Hi, I’m Edith and I have been passionate about health and wellness for as long as I can remember but it wasn't until I had to treat myself that I realized I could manifest this passion into a career.
Like many others living in today's busy western society, I started having trouble tolerating certain foods and was suffering from gastrointestinal discomfort after each meal. This eventually led to severe abdominal pain leaving me worried and confused. Haven't I been leading a healthy lifestyle? Why was this happening to me I thought. I then went to my general practitioner and was frustrated when all I was given was a prescription for a drug to treat an illness I didn’t have (they said, “you must be suffering from an ulcer”).
Deep down I knew that wasn't the case and I decided to investigate myself, my first degree is in Journalism after all. I reached out to a local naturopath, read books on the topic of nutrition and began the process of truly understanding how the foods we eat play a dramatic role in how we feel and stay disease free through life. I learned that some of the so called "health foods" I was eating weren't so healthy after all. They contained harmful chemicals, additives and unnatural preservatives which ultimately damaged my stomach lining causing the painful inflammation I was experiencing.
I spent all of my free time studying, reading books on how to reverse my symptoms and decided to try an elimination diet in which I cut out processed foods, dairy, eggs and a handful of common allergens. I also learned that it is absolutely critical in healing this area of the body as approximately 75% of our immune system resides in and is governed by the gut. Any imbalance here will lead to many other ailments throughout the body leading to chronic disease, discomfort and ultimately a shorter lifespan.

Throughout my research, I found the amazing Institute for Integrative Nutrition the largest nutrition school in the world and realized that I could turn my passion into a career. I quickly enrolled, got certified and began health coaching. While my gut health had improved tremendously throughout this time I still felt that I could elevate my own health to another level. Around this time I came across an increasing amount of research and evidence indicating that whole food plant-based diet was optimal for human health and even though that wasn’t the message being put out by mainstream media or even most doctors, something inside of me knew I needed to take a closer look at this.
I threw myself into more research like I had done when I was ill and I found book after book, study after study and countless plant-based doctors showcasing the mountains of evidence in favor of a whole food vegan diet. Although most of my symptoms had disappeared throughout the lifestyle changes I had been making, intuitively I knew there was another level of wellness I could be experiencing so I gave it a go. Fast forward a few years I couldn’t be more convinced that this was the lifestyle for humanity and not just for our own health but for the sake of our planet and the animals who share it with us.
I have since dedicated my practice to helping others either transition into a whole food plant-based diet or at least start to incorporate some plant-based meals into their regimen. I now offer multiple packages of health coaching, give talks about the subject in addition to other wellness-related topics and write blogs for both my site and other websites promoting a plant-strong cruelty-free diet.
"My experience with Edith was exactly what I needed for a lifestyle change. I found Edith to be kind, patient, and incredibly passionate about helping me to make better, healthier choices in my life, and I recommend her without reservation."
~T. Tobin