Easy Health Tips For Success

Spring is here and Summer is around the corner. I’m sure you’re being bombarded with marketing to help you get into your beach body. Don’t worry, this is not one of those messages. Your outer body is always a reflection of your inner body and therefore my approach is always to nurture your body with proper nutrition while engaging in regular exercise and stress relieving activities.
I’m currently not accepting new clients as I am still recovering from my accident (check out this post if you missed this life changing event of mine: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7NIyuun6p/). Don’t worry, I will be fine, thanks to my healthy lifestyle, but I’m still in the process of getting my dental work done. I will let you all know when I’m ready to take on new clients. In the meantime, I wanted to share some helpful tips that you can implement on your own.
- Aim to sleep between 10pm and 6am daily
- Hydrate immediately upon waking (start with lemon water and celery juice)
- Avoid fats until after noon
- Spend at least 30 minutes in nature a day
- Spend at least 30 minutes exercising a day
- Base each meal around whole fruits and vegetables
- Add in high quality supplements (Sunwarrior is my favorite brand and I have a new link so be sure to save this link as I know many of you have been ordering from me. My discount code is still Edith but now you can save 20% instead of 15! https://sunwarrior.pxf.io/LPrPQa
- Show gratitude for everything you appreciate in your life daily
- Read at least 10 pages of a book that brings you joy or teaches you daily
- Make time for your loved ones and pets each day
These are my simple and non negotiable steps to reclaiming your health. I go much more in depth when I work with someone and customize a plan specific to their needs. Feel free to email me if you need help with these basic recommendations or if you need help implementing them.
Also, feel free to ask me about Sunwarrior products and what would be best for you. Their supplement line is organic, vegan, raw and third party tested for contaminants. If you’re still taking whey protein or animal collagen, I highly recommend making the switch to plantbased even if you don’t switch to a plantbased diet. Whey protein powders are full of harmful ingredients and therefore are very inflammatory for the human body. Another item I would recommend taking is one of their vegetable greens powder supplements. I very rarely meet anyone who eats enough greens and they are critical for our long term health. It’s super easy to boost your intake by simply adding a scoop to your daily smoothie post workout.
I hope you found this brief post helpful. If you’re looking for more consistent updates from me, be sure to follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/edithagoston/
Thank you for being here,